Friday, 18 December 2015

An Update

This is long overdue. My laptop battery is currently at 5%, giving me a slender amount of time to post this before my darling Chromebook dies on me, but I think we can make it. Hopefully.

Firstly, a lot has happened, hence why I haven't found a spare moment to update my blog. I really wanted to start this as a means of keeping myself on track with my life, yet as you may have realised that didn't quite go as planned. At least I'll have at least one New Year's Resolution: be more organised.

I personally find Evernote very useful. If you haven't already downloaded it on your smartphone (it also comes as an app on your laptop), I'd highly recommend it. I use the free version and it does the trick - it enables me to keep reminders of all the things I have to do and any little memos I want to give myself. I've had plenty in the last couple of months, some which I'd like to tell you all about!

The major news is that I've received a university offer from my joint top choice: Warwick. I was really fortunate as I sent off my UCAS application on the Friday (the 13th! Good one Mél) and received the offer on the Monday! It's my dream university so I really hope I get in. 

Second biggest news is that I'm finally an adult!! It doesn't feel real and it still shocks me a bit that I can no longer get 'child' fares on buses anymore, but I feel like I'm pretty much prepared for the rest. I called up my Dentist to make an appointment, for Goodness' sake, I've definitely taken well to adulthood.

Third biggest news was that on Wednesday I went to my school's Winter Ball which was very exciting for me as afterwards I went out clubbing for the first time! (I now no longer count my Aruba experience as a 'clubbing experience'. What. An. Embarrassment). Anyway, my favourite photo is the one I attached along with this blog post of me and my boyfriend Daniel*. 

Hopefully, I'll be updating my blog a bit more over the Christmas period, but if not, I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year!

All names in this blog are fake in order to ensure the privacy of my friends and conceal their identities. However, the characters are all real people and the events actually happened


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