Monday, 3 August 2015

The Military Diet: My Experience

I've never been on a diet before. There didn't seem much point, if I'm honest. Up until now, I believed the propaganda fed to me by my school, my parents, reviews in magazines: "Be healthy but don't be stupid" was the bottom line. You should eat everything in moderation, stick as close as possible to your five-a-day and not be a couch potato. There seemed to be no use in forcing yourself, making yourself even unhappy, by going on a diet as they never worked. That's what they said, anyway.

I'm not particularly large, nor particularly slim. I'm 17 and have a petite build, but I can't run up three flights of stairs without puffing and blowing. I hope you're getting an idea of what I'm physically like by this... Anyway, it's summer and I have time on my hands. After reading some #justgirlythings on tumblr and getting motivated to get fit, I bought myself some exercise gear which I found on Pinterest and decided that I was to go on daily walks in order to build up stamina and tone up. However, I asked myself, why not go all out? As mentioned previously, I had the time to search up and plan a diet. The search for a short, easy diet which worked wasn't hard to find and Google quickly brought me to The Military Diet.

For those who have not heard of it, The Military Diet is a three day diet which provides the dieter with precise meals which they should eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's easy, and some websites even provide you with a shopping list to know exactly what to buy. The food isn't even that bad either! Mainly consisting of stuff I like such as tea, tuna and toast, I thought I'd give dieting a go...

At the start of the three day-marathon, I weighed around 48kg, which I've heard is average for a 5"3 teenage girl. I was motivated, and hardly felt like I was on a diet as I was eating stuff I enjoyed. Additionally, in the heat of summer one doesn't feel as hungry as one would say, in winter, therefore I think it was an easy transition from what I usually ate to dieting. All I had to do was cut out the fizzy drinks, the snacks in between meals, throw away the stash of food I have hidden under my bed for midnight treats...

It thus came as a shock to me that at the end of the second day, I had put on weight. I asked my Mother if that was the same for her, as she had kindly said she'd go on the diet with me for morale support, and she had had the same experience too. Admittedly I cursed the diet, the vloggers, and all those filthy filthy lies I had read and so gulliably took as gospel, but nevertheless I carried it onto the third day.

And it's finally over! By the third day I had really started complaining about my hunger - God forbid I ever went on a diet lasting longer than three days, I wouldn't be able to cope - so it was a relief when I had my last bite of the apple on the third night, followed by the vanilla ice cream*.

Anyway, I undressed and reluctantly stood on the scales this morning, and joy of joys, I've lost 6lbs. Not the promised 10lbs, but I'm still happy with the result. Now that I'm not cursing the diet and have returned to my senses (or something similar), I'd recommend this diet to anyone who wants to lose a quick few pounds. Also, I feel this is kind of a 'try before you buy' kind of diet which allows you to predict how you'd cope if you go for the full blown thing. Diets on average last a few months! Personally, I'm glad I've done it as it's another thing I could blog to you lovelies about, but on the other hand, I'll probably put on the weight during my oh-so-missed midnight snacks. If dieting is your thing though, just

*I never really understood why the vanilla ice cream and the peanut butter were part of this crazy diet, they seemed somewhat out of place. The internet explained that it was to counteract the other ingredients and cancel each other out, but Mumma said it was to appeal to the American Market. 

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